Ithaca College High School Investment Competition

Welcome Teachers and Students!

The High School Investment Competition brings real-world investment tactics into the classroom. Ithaca College School of Business invites high school teams in the northeast to compete in Annual Investment Competition where students will learn basic principles of the stock market, various sectors, and fundamentals of real-time trading, with the opportunity to win great prizes!

Click Here To Register For The Challenge

How It Works

Teams composed of 3-6 student members ranging from 9th to 12th grades will receive $1,000,000 in virtual US dollars will build a portfolio that consists of five to twenty stocks! At the conclusion of the competition, awards will be given out to the top three earning portfolios.

2024-2025 Competition Information

Thank you for your interest in this years Ithaca College High School Investment Competition! We are very excited to announce the timeline as well as some major improvements from prior competition. As a result of these changes, the rules for the competition have changed. Please be sure to review the rules for the 2023-2024 competition.

Timeline and important dates of the competition:
Registration for all team members and faculty advisors is open until November 10 th, 2024.

Start of the competition and first day of trading- November 11, 2024

Competition closes at 4 pm- on March 28 th, 2025

Please be sure to review the rules for the 2024–2025 competition.

For registration, please note:
All team members and faculty advisors must register.

All team members must register during the same session.

Prizes (all split between the winning team and their high school):
$3,000 for First Place
$2,000 for Second Place
$1,000 for Third Place

IC Investment Competition Rules 2024-2025
