Visualize Complex Financial Markets In Real Time

Experiential Learning

Cutting Edge Of Experiential Learning

The Financial Markets Trading Platform is a unique resource provided by Bangor Business School that brings real market data from over 50 global exchanges into the classroom. This powerful experiential learning tool lets students put theory into practice, creating and managing portfolios of global stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds, futures, currencies, commodities, options, and more.

Student Focus

This tool gives students the power to make their own investment decisions using virtual currency, in an environment controlled by the instructors at Bangor Business School.

Putting Learning First

International Vision

Opening The Global World Of Investing

Students can trade securities from over 30 countries, plus dozens of forex currency pairs and international futures. This tool gives unparelleled access to the global markets, helping students gain exposure to the global professional world ahead.

real-time trading

Real Time Trading

All US Stocks, ETFs, Options, Futures, Spots, and Future Options trade at real-time bid/ask prices for the most realistic simulation possible

real-time trading

50 Global Exchanges

Over 50 global exchanges, so students can trade securities and commodities from all over the world in the same portfolio, with real-time FX rates

real-time trading

Streaming Rankings

Compare portfolio returns over the past week, month, or the entire competition. You can also compare your risk-adjusted returns in any contest

real-time trading

Professional Research

Get news, quotes, analyst ratings, historical prices, and option chains for every US security, plus much more industry and market research



Our emphasis is on learning – all portfolio parameters are established by the instructors to adhere to the course topics. Students are encouraged to experiment, but the simulation gives a controlled practice ground to work with.



Professional research tools are integrated into the platform, giving students access to detailed quote and chart information, historical price data, global market summaries, sector analysis, analyst ratings, and more.



We want to give all students real investment experience to help solidify theory taught in the classroom. The global investment simulation does just that – letting students manage their own portfolio of real securities to bring what they learn into focus.


Student Support

In addition to the trading simulation, students have access to a learning centre with over 600 glossary terms, videos, and articles on topics of investing, personal finance, economics, and more. All student support inquiries are also addressed within 1 business day.